Uncontested Divorce Attorney in Ventura County

and Los Angeles

Divorce is one of the most stressful life events. Divorce also represents a new beginning. Working out an agreed divorce with your spouse can allow you to end your marriage quickly and respectfully so both of you can move forward with your lives.

Helping You Navigate Through Your Uncontested Divorce with Ease

The divorce lawyers at The Law Office of Stephanie White have decades of experience. They tailor their approach to your unique situation.

When you need an aggressive advocate, they are here to fight any contested issues. But when you want a skilled negotiator, they can work in a conciliatory, logical, and cooperative way to work out a mutually agreeable solution.

Whether you need help in court, mediation, or negotiation, we provide honest and transparent representation during this distressing time.

What Is Uncontested Divorce?

A divorce ends your marriage and makes you a single, unmarried person in the eyes of the law. Before this happens, a court makes parties unwrap all the issues in the marriage, determine how these issues will be divided (custody, finances, debt, etc.) and determine to what degree parties will have any dealings going forward.

Not all divorces involve conflict. A low-conflict divorce happens when you and your spouse agree to work out the terms of your divorce.

The Court is available if you cannot settle, but settling gives YOU the power to say how the marriage ends. YOU and your spouse settle your differences rather than fighting over them. Specifically, a stipulated (agreed to) divorce resolves all of the following family law issues through negotiation (agreement) rather than litigation (Court):

  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Property Division

If you believe you and your spouse can agree on these topics, an amicable divorce can save you money, time, and frustration. It can also save your future relationship with the other party.

Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce

A divorce is either Contested or Uncontested. In a contested divorce, you and your spouse battle in Court rather than negotiating with each other and entering into a settlement; you let a judge who does not know you decide how your family and assets are divided rather than you jointly making that decision.

Major Benefits of Uncontested Divorce

Many people choose to pursue uncontested divorces for their own peace of mind. Its benefits include:

  • Never having to go to Court; a Judge can sign your agreement based on the paperwork.
  • Lower cost because parties can work together through disclosures and other paperwork.
  • Fewer attorney fee bills; the most expensive part of having a lawyer is Court appearances which can go on for days.
  • A faster resolution and judgment; you do not need hearings or a trial to resolve disputes.

An uncontested divorce also has many benefits outside the case itself: You will likely experience less conflict with the other party. That can reduce your stress and the stress on your children. You also get to maintain some power in the proceedings – because you (together) choose what the end of the case looks like.

Uncontested Divorce Process in Ventura County and Los Angeles County

The steps for an uncontested divorce include:

  • Filing a divorce petition;
  • Disclosing your assets, debts, income and expenses;
  • Negotiating the settlement;
  • Filing the agreement with a proposed Stipulated Judgment.
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